1. How can I be confident of the quality and reliability?
We do everything to ensure our customer satisfaction. We aim to develop a deep understanding of your needs, wants and expectations. The result is an exceptional product.
1. How can I be confident of the quality and reliability?
We do everything to ensure our customer satisfaction. We aim to develop a deep understanding of your needs, wants and expectations. The result is an exceptional product.
2. How detailed requirements do you look for?
The more we understand the customer requirements the better. However, our business analysts can offer analysis to assist with drafting the correct product requirements.
3. How do you deal with bug fixing?
We have a customer help desk in place to keep track of external customer requests and we assign priorities to bugs. Thus we always have an updated list of what needs to be fixed and its urgency.
4. Why use hybrid cloud?
The advantages of using a hybrid cloud solution are multiple. Most importantly, however, your overhead costs coming from online cloud providers would diminish while still taking advantage of their reliability.
5. What software stack do you work with?
Most of our services can be integrated into any software environment and as such, we are comfortable working with any existing tech stack in your company.